EN: As I told you in my last post, I will continue in this post with Gunnersbury Park and the museum. It is a local museum that collects and displays its boroughs’ past and present history: Ealing, Acton, Brentford, Chiswick.
This park has a rich history and is listed as a grade II park.
To start with its origins, you will be surprised to find out that the name Gunnersbury derives from Gunylda, who was the niece of King Cnut the Great (the first king of Denmark, Norway and England), who lived there until 1044 when she was banishment.
After a few more owners, the house and the estate were sell to Princess Amelia, King George II’s daughter; actually, she was his favourite daughter. If you visit the park, it will be easier to understand why she was his favourite 😂 ! Princes Amelia death brought numerous owners. Still, the most important one was Rothschild, who extended the estate. His grandson sold the Gunnersbury with the condition that can be used only for leisure and recreation.
Today are 95 years since the park was open on 21 March 1926. The museum was inaugurated 3 years later, in 1929.
After a restoration completed in 2018, the museum was ready to visit! I repeat that I visit all of this last year before lockdown. Now I wait to start visit museums, again; I really miss this activity😔 Here, there are some peeks from inside the museum to make you curious and plan a visit as soon as possible 😉 !

RO: Asa cum am precizat in articolul anterior, o sa continuii sa scriu despre parcul si muzeul Gunnersbury. Este un muzeul local ce aduna si afiseaza trecutul si prezentul istoric al districtelor din jurul sau: Ealing, Acton, Brentford, Chiswick. Acest parc este bogat in istorie si este listat ca un parc de grad II. Sa incep cu originile lui, vei fi surprins sa afli ca numele de Gunnersbury deriva de la Gunylda, care era nepoata regelui Cnut cel Mare (primul rege al Danemarcei, Norvegiei si Angliei) care a trait aici pana in 1044, cand a fost izgonita. Dupa cativa proprietari, casa si intrega proprietate a fost vanduta Printesei Amelia, fiica regului George al II-lea; de altfel cunoscuta, ca fiica lui favorita. Daca vei vizta parcul, iti va fi mai usor sa intelgi de ce era favorizata 😂 ! Moartea acesteia a adus numerosi proprietari. Totusi cel mai important a fost Rothschild, care a extis proprietatea. Nepotul sau a vandut proprietatea Gunnersbury cu conditia ca aceasta sa fie folosita pentru recreere si agrement. Astazi se implinesc 95 de ani de cand acest parc a fost deschis pe 21 Martie 1926. Muzeul a fost inagurat 3 ani mai tarziu, in 1929. Dupa ce restaurarea a fost completa in 2018, muzeul a fost redeschis pentru a fi vizitat! Reamintesc ca l-am vizitat anul trecut inainte de lockdown. Acum abia astept sa pot vizita din nou muzee, imi este dor de aceasta activitate 😔 Pana una alta uite aici ce ai putea vedea in interiorul muzeului ca sa te fac curios si sa sa planuiesti o vizita cat de curand ar fi posibil 😉 !

EN: The museum and its surroundings are full of surprises on its official site you can find interesting activities that take place there and even a virtual tour if you are interesting, here is the link: .

RO: Muzeul si imprejurimile lui sunt pline de surprize, pe site-ul oficial poti gasi activitati intereante ce au loc, chiar si un tur virtual daca esti interesat, ai aici link-ul:

Bye, till next time!

Pa, pana data viitoare!